Sad as Newborn baby ‘tests positive’ for coronavirus at London hospital – Do you think the baby will survive?
Sad as Newborn baby ‘tests positive’ for coronavirus at London hospital – Do you think the baby will survive?
A newborn baby has reportedly been diagnosed with coronavirus in London, becoming the pandemic’s youngest victim.
The child’s mother was reportedly rushed to North Middlesex Hospital in the borough of Enfield with suspected pneumonia days earlier. It is thought she only learned of her diagnosis right after giving birth.
The newborn was thought to have been tested within minutes of being born. Doctors are now trying to establish how the baby caught the Sars-like disease – either through the womb or during birth.
The mother is now being treated at a specialist facility while her child is being cared for at another hospital.
A source told the Sun: ‘Staff in contact with both patients have been advised to self-isolate.’