See Photos, Woman Getting 45 Lashes Of Cane in public for having sex outside marriage

See Photos, Woman Getting 45 Lashes Of Cane in public for having sex outside marriage

A woman was among eight people publicly canned for breaking Sharia law in Indonesia.
The woman wearing white on to her knees before another female police officer, wearing an entirely maroon religious dress, joins her on the stage.

Some Indonesian women were humiliated after they were dragged out and canned in public for having intercourse outside of marriage in Aceh, Indonesia.

 Under the Islamic law in Indonesia, it’s a punishable crime if man or a woman is caught sleeping with an opposite sex outside of marriage because it violates the region’s strict Sharia laws.

On Monday, March 2, 2020, several people including Religious leaders gathered outside a mosque in capital Banda Aceh to witness the punishment as the woman got whipped alongside seven other people for similar crimes.

 In the photos, a sharia officer was seen wearing a mask as he caned the offenders around five to 45 lashes for their respective crimes.

Banda Aceh , which is located in Indonesia is the only region in the world’s Muslim-majority country that implements strict Islamic law for various offenses including drinking alcohol, gambling, having gay relationships or intercourse outside of marriage..

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