Is he cheating on you? See the Top 5 easy Way To Catch A Cheater

Is he cheating on you? See the Top 5 easy Way To Catch A Cheater

Do you suspect that your better half might be cheating? According to statistics, around 20% of people in relationships have cheated on their spouses at least once.

Do you know that most cheaters leave traces of cheating on their mobile phones? This could be messages, pictures, locations, or anything of that sort.

Now the only thing that remains is spying on someone’s mobile phone. How can you do that now? After all, I am sure you haven’t taken a Spying 101 course.

Don’t worry. I have got you covered. I have ways with which you can catch a cheater very easily. That too without the person suspecting that you are monitoring them.

Read my guide and find out how you can catch the cheater and have proof that they cheated on you. At the end of the article, I will even tell you 5 tips to catch a cheater’s behaviour.

1. Spy On His Phone And Tablet (Without Him Even Knowing!)

Most guys know to delete text messages, and hide or rename, apps. Another favorite tactic of
cheaters is to change his side chick’s name in his phone so when she calls it comes up as “Steve from accounting.” Don’t fall for those lame go-tos from the Cheater’s Handbook, instead spy on his cell phone to get the answers you need.

Remember my research above? Two of the women I know caught their husbands cheating through a cell phone spy app. There are a number of programs available that will allow you to see your significant other’s call logs, pictures, browser history, any messaging services used, and even GPS location.

2. Use His Own Phone Against Him
All iPhones have the Find My Phone app so users can track a lost or stolen phone. You can find his phone (and him) by logging in with his Apple ID and password. If that’s not possible, convince him to download Find My Friends , that will function the same way, but if he’s smart he will turn it off when he’s not where he’s supposed to be. If he’s not smart, and he must not be if he’s cheating on you, then you can also grab tons of information from the cloud.

Anything uploaded to the cloud is visible, even if he has deleted it from his phone. My Photo Stream is like cloud storage on steroids. It stores photos and also pushes them to Apple devices like iPads, Mac computers, and iPhones. If the two of you live together, or he has ever connected to your iCloud there is a good chance you can see any of the pics he’s taken or been sent.

3. Stalk His Social Media

Just about everyone has some type of social media profile. Most of us have many. Social platforms like Facebook and Snapchat make it easy to cheat, but they also make it easy to be caught. While we’ve all done our fair share of creeping before, I’m going to share some next level creeper stuff.

The Graph Search on Facebook allows a user to enter just a few phrases and find a pool of people. Search “friends of [enter cheater’s name].” Does he talk incessantly about a new girl at work/his gym/that lives next door to his buddy? Search “Alissa works at Cheaters R Us” voila! Not sure who he’s talking to? Try to search this: “Photos [cheater name]has liked” or “photos [cheater name]has commented on.” Any qualifying question could work. If he uses other, less transparent social platforms you can always use the spy app Cara used to catch her cheating husband to see all of his online activities.

4. Check The Garbage
Now, this might sound insane and kind of old school PI movie-esque but most people are mindless when it comes to physical evidence.

Receipts torn off of new clothes, women’s clothes maybe? Lingerie you did not receive, or even new clothes he bought for himself that he hasn’t shown you. Other giveaways are credit card receipts to movies, restaurants, hotels even. And if your SO is of the super thoughtless species you may even find condoms, wrappers, boxes, or pregnancy tests! I’m not suggesting y’all go digging through the garbage right now, and if you’re at the point where you feel this desperate, he
is probably cheating on you. But this might give you closure.

Don’t forget to check the trash on his computer too.

5. Hidden Camera
In the age of selfies, SnapChat and beauty filters on everything it’s not a stretch to say that a hidden camera will also provide you undeniable proof your man is not doing right by you. There is everything from the nanny cam (don’t hide it in a teddy bear, that will be creepy), to hidden camera apps for both Android and iPhone.

 Not ready to take the leap into full-on FBI mode? Try this little trick: If you have an Apple Watch you can access your camera from it if you leave the camera open on your phone. Leave your phone inconspicuously facing your boyfriend or husband and use the bathroom. Turn your camera on from your watch and see if he immediately picks up his phone to start texting. It’s sneaky, but it will give you the intel you need.

Once A Cheater, Always A Cheater

So here is the part that everyone reading this probably should have skipped right to. If your instincts tell you he’s cheating, he probably is. If he is, doing the aforementioned things to catch a cheater might give you the proof you need to walk away, and that is worth it. Don’t, however, let him convince you that you’re crazy. Trust your gut, prove it with these tips.

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