OMG! Meet The Man Who is Currently Married To 12 Wives And Still wants To Marry 8 More To Make Them 20 (Photo)


OMG! Meet The Man Who is Currently Married To 12 Wives And Still wants To Marry 8 More To Make Them 20 (Photo)


Funny as it may sound but you actually read that headline very correctly, in this article I’ll be talking about a man who is married to 12 Wives and still wants to marry 8 more to make them 20.

In this Mordern world there are still a lot of people practicing polygamy, which simply means having or marrying more than one wife or one husband at the same time.

It is said that Polygamy has many benefits like the social advantages and the economy ones, over monogamy, well that is for them anyways.


This man in quest is from Rwanda and he’s a traditional medicine man. Currently this man is married to 12wives , who are all living in the same house and under the same roof. So far so good be has given birth to 25 children and even adopted 9 children.



For him, his goal and major dream is to have 20 wives, as he said that he has already promised his spirit that he will. This man family with 12 wives, lives happily together in the same house and they all live in harmony and one accord, there has been no conflicts no arguments, and no collision, even as they all share a single husband.

Even though people call and refer him as a witch doctor, he claims that he is a servant of God. He is however a traditional medicine man, and has a license to work as one legally in his country.

At one point in time he had an interview with Afrimax and he said that he is happily married to his 12 wives and he still wants to marry 8 more, so they can total 20.

He said, they all live happily under the same roof and there are no issues amongst his wives. As he revealed that as a medicine man that he is, he is destined to have 20 wives.

In the interview his first wife said she has been married to him for 16 years now, and she has 8 children for him.

She also said that he never told her, he will be bringing a 2nd wife, she said she didn’t see that coming ,and 2 years after their marriage, he brought another wife.

In the interview the 2nd wife said she has been married to him for 14 years, and they all eat together from one plate as a family.

The wives said that he treats them all good and they are very happy with him.

I’m Thier words the said: that he taught them how to love and assist one another, so they are not complaining at all.

If you ask me I think as a traditional medicine man that he is, I assume they are all under his love spell because I don’t think these women are in their right senses, well that’s my thought anyways, please don’t forget to drop a comment on your own thoughts concerning this man.

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